RTB Annual Tenancy Registration is coming into effect from the 4th of April 2022.

Landlords must now register their tenancy every year, within one month of the anniversary of when that tenancy began. This change will apply to new and existing tenancies.

There is a four-month transition period, when no late fees will be charged which will end on the 3rd of August 2022.

Annual registration will change the standard fees and late fees for registration for the private rental and the social housing sector. Delays in registration, will lead to cumulative late fees being applied.

New fee system for Private/Student Specific Accommodation (SSA)/Cost Rental Tenancies below.

  • Standard Registration Fee: €40
  • Additional Late Fee: €10 for every month (part thereof) that registration is late
  • Composite Registration Fee: €170 A reduced fee subject to a maximum of 10 tenancies in one building being registered by the same landlord at the same time and all received by the RTB within one month of the earliest tenancy commencement date
  • 2nd Registration or Subsequent in a 12-month period: No Fee No fee applies to the 2nd and subsequent registration in a 12-month period in respect of the same dwelling, providing they are received within one month of the tenancy commencement date of the new tenancy

Approved Housing Body (AHB) Tenancies below.

  • Standard Registration Fee: €20
  • Additional Late Fee: €5 for every month (part thereof) that registration is late
  • Composite Registration Fee: €85 A reduced fee subject to a maximum of 10 tenancies in one building being registered by the same landlord at the same time and all received by the RTB within one month of the earliest tenancy commencement date
  • 2nd Registration or Subsequent in a 12-month period: No Fee No fee applies to the 2nd and subsequent registration in a 12-month period in respect of the same dwelling, providing they are received within one month of the tenancy commencement date of the new tenancy
